Nov 19, · My most memorable cross-cultural experience Pages: 3 ( words) Cross cultural marketing blunders Pages: 2 ( words) Avoiding Misunderstanding in Cross-Cultural Communication Pages: 8 ( words) The Australian education system and the Chinese education system Pages: 2 ( words)Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins Essay submitted by Daniel Anorga Cook. Isolating a single cross-cultural experience is an interesting challenge in itself. I have been raised by my native Peruvian mother, with a family spread across many countries, including Argentina, Brazil, England, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Peru. My life has been defined by cross-cultural interaction and travel Reflective Essay: A Cross-Cultural Experience In The Classroom; Reflective Essay: A Cross-Cultural Experience In The Classroom. Words 5 Pages. Show More. When I first met Eya in basic writing class in a peer review group setting, I was somewhat intimidated. She was beautiful and tall, with long, curly hair and olive skin
Cross-cultural experience Free Essay Example
Back in when I was still a student at Singapore Polytechnic, I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to serve my Internship at the Royal Bank cross cultural experience essay Scotland IRS. I must emphasize, that the 6 months spent was one of the most memorable life experience I have had. Personally It opened my eyes to what I'll call the 'real' working environmentas the previous jobs I held were mainly serving as an assistant in retail part-time.
I termed it 'real' working experience because the internship also offers me the chance to work in Hong Kong. At the age of 18, the opportunities given were more than could ask cross cultural experience essay and certainly the experience and lessons learnt had an Impact on me until today.
The Internship provided me the opportunity to work under two different supervisors. I can remember them vividly as they are both different in terms of their leadership and yes, cross cultural experience essay -wise as well. The first supervisor was Mr, cross cultural experience essay.
Christopher Kim, head of Middle Office for Asia Pacific region. Christopher comes from Korea, and in my opinion Is someone who speaks his mind and puts his ideas across well. To put it bluntly, he expects subordinates to imply with his instructions unless there is a better alternate solution.
He sets high expectations, even on work placement students like myself. One of the cultural etiquette that I noticed about Mr. Christopher Is that he was always punctual.
Hire a subject expert to help you with Cross Cultural Experience. In fact, never once have I seen him report late for work. Came to understand from cross cultural experience essay that he would be in office earlier by an hour every work day.
One of the first few ground rules set for me as an intern is to be punctual, unless for valid reasons of course. As a head of department, Mr.
Christopher certainly proved himself to be a good role model for others to look up to, cross cultural experience essay. In my pollen, he had on him the 'strict and stern' appearance, which inevitably makes me feel afraid to talk to him. A month into the internship, cross cultural experience essay, I got a surprise when received an email from him complimenting me for Job well done on one of the task he had assigned. This humble demonstration of appreciation led me to see the good side of Asian culture?
treating people with sincerity. Looking back, culturally Mr. Christopher like most East Asian nations practices hierarchy within an organization where someone in a higher rank or post usually commands greater authority amongst his lower peers.
Respect is meeting that Is valued highly and this can be seen evidently In Mr. As a leader of the department, he would organize group meeting fortnightly to check on the status of each individual in a bid to ensure everyone keeps up with the pace and to feel integrated within the team. Work aside, cross cultural experience essay, he encourages team bonding through simple dinner and drinks every once In a while.
My new supervisor is an Australian by the name cross cultural experience essay Miss Us-Ling Regress, cross cultural experience essay, who takes on the role of Senior Business Analyst in the bank. As a Singapore brought up in a Chinese familyI was taught since young to respect elders and to obey Instructions without questioning. Working under Miss Us-Long helped me to comprehend the meaning of cultural differences, as she had a very different approach compared to 1 OFF Mr.
The deterrence in approach probably stems trot near cultural upbringing, which encourages free thought and self-involvement at work; to be more independent in learning. Miss Us-Ling with her consultative style of management gives me the impression of being approachable and easy to talk to.
Unlike most Asians who adopt hierarchical structure, cross cultural experience essay, she brought about a direct style of communication which encourages an open debate of ideas.
Her good man-management skills rubbed off the whole team and even as an intern I can see and feel the strong team spirit fostered.
For instance, most members have no qualms working additional hours on some days if deadlines are needs to be met urgently. As opposed to Asians, she encourages freedom of beech' where challenging of ideas in meetings are not seen as disrespectful as long cross cultural experience essay it leads to getting the Job done efficiently and effectively.
More importantly, she does not see herself in any way superior to her subordinates. I got the biggest surprise 4 months into the cross cultural experience essay when I was informed I have the opportunity to travel to Hong Kong for work.
The time spent in Hong Kong enabled me to grow as an individual, since it was the first time I traveled alone. I used to think that Gingersnaps are always indulged in work; they hardly have time for themselves. However, Hong Kong changed my perspective. Very much like Singapore, Hong Kong is a hustle and bustle city where everyone can hardly stop their pace for a moment. In the morning while going to the train station for work, I was amazed that the walking pace of the people in Hong Kong is even faster than in Singapore.
I had an experience once whereby on a rainy day, a woman carrying an umbrella on the opposite direction almost walked her umbrella through' my face because she was apparently shorter and only focus on the road ahead!
Otherwise, culturally people have Confucianism roots where decisions made by management are seldom contested as they are seen as rude and disrespectful. NATIONAL SERVICE In a multi-cultural Singapore, National Service is a period of unique experience for all Gingersnaps, as it bonds all of us together as one.
I was enlisted to the Home Team Academy, cross cultural experience essay, Singapore Police Force. During this period of my life, I learnt to appreciate and respect the culture norms of the different races.
NSA not only opened my eyes to the different culture among races, it also taught me the culture of an order and regimental lifestyle, where teamwork is often highlighted as they key to solving problems, cross cultural experience essay. The 9 months of training taught me to adapt to changes and live together ruinously, cross cultural experience essay.
Often, people are not receptive to change and are usually bonded by friends of similar culture, and NSA is there to help rectify the problem of social integration. Besides the Chinese, the Malay Muslims form the majority of the cohort in my training batch. Of course the minority - the Indians and Eurasian are part of it as well. Living together for about 9 months taught me quite a fair bit on Malay culture I would never have come to know if not for NSA.
For instance, the Malay Muslims have to pray 5 times a cross cultural experience essay, and that they have to go through a month of fasting before their new year.
In adapting to one another, the rest would ensure there is quiet when they are conducting their prayers and the rest would also practice sensitivity during fasting month, such as not consuming food in their presence. I have also come to understand the Malay language, although I am not able to speak it dulcetly. Currently, in order to gain some experience while studying, I applied to become a brand ambassador at the Duty-Free Shop in the airport selling tobacco and alcohol.
This Job provides me with the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. Each work day opens my eyes to different culture as customers from different surrounds will walk into the shop and purchase duty free items.
One of the most frequent visitors we have in Singapore is the Chinese Pres. My time in UDF enabled me to see that the Chinese has very big spending power and their purchase is often linked to face'. They often snap up the exclusive items that are not available in their domestic market as having them signifies their wealth cross cultural experience essay status.
This is an opinion agreed upon by the Chinese colleagues as well! We should all respect and embrace the culture norms of each individual as this will not only enable us to grow as a person, but also allows us to understand that cross cultural experience essay way one behave or act could actually stem from an upbringing that are different from us. We should all take a step back and reflect upon ourselves, and seek first to understand the situation before pointing the finger at others.
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Culture Shock and The Cultural Adaptation Cycle [What It Is and What to Do About It]
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Nov 07, · My memorable Cross-Cultural Experiences I have always valued the learning of other languages and peoples’ cultures. As a Communications Executive who was working for an Oil & Gas company, I have always been in permanent contact with clients and partners Reflective Essay: A Cross-Cultural Experience In The Classroom; Reflective Essay: A Cross-Cultural Experience In The Classroom. Words 5 Pages. Show More. When I first met Eya in basic writing class in a peer review group setting, I was somewhat intimidated. She was beautiful and tall, with long, curly hair and olive skin Sep 05, · Cross-cultural experience. Categories: Experience. Download paper. Download. Essay, Pages 2 ( words) Views. The world is fast becoming a borderless place. Cultures, races, beliefs and ideologies are blend together and interact because of the growing advances in communications
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